Friday, March 27, 2015

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young

1. Chelsea, Phoe Phoe (stripes), Nae Meh (right), Soe Du (left back), and friend (white)
2. Phoe Phoe, discipling Soe Du, discipling Nga Meh
3. Worshipping at camp

Team member Chelsea is discipling Phoe Phoe, 12 year old Karenni girl.  Phoe Phoe has 2 disciples, Soe Du and Nae Meh, both of whom have their own disciples that they are also leading. One night after camp they went out in their neighborhood to share the gospel. Chelsea writes this about their time together:

"Hey team! Tonight went well... we got to do Luke 10 door to door. Shared with a Karenni woman who has heard some about Jesus but didn't understand much. The girls did an excellent job of translating and the Spirit opened up her eyes... she prayed to follow Jesus and be filled with the Spirit.  Phoe Phoe and Nae Meh also took the lead by sharing with their disciples all they learned at camp without my help. Impressed by their leadership tonight on all fronts!"

Chelsea's request for them:

"Please continue to pray for God's awesome work in the lives of these beautiful children. There are so many beautiful testimonies of their faithfulness, and the work of a child has SO much power. He himself is molding them to impact the world around them and their growth is my joy!!"

>> Pray that these girls will grow deep in intimacy with Christ, that he will be the center of everything in their lives, and that the Holy Spirit will continue to lead them and fill them with joy

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Training to Praising: More than 20 new believers!

    *shoes outside training at apartment

Last night a brother in Christ gifted in leadership and evangelism led a training for our disciples at Los Arcos apartments, new team location in Salem Oaks. The training lasted for less than two hours and involved some teaching, review, and practice of a simple method for sharing the gospel. Immediately following this "classroom" session, trainees went out to share with neighbours, friends, family members, and strangers in the complex. 

*Disciple Mon Aj models method for group
     *Trainees practice the gospel

Coming back together later in the evening they began sharing their stories and using the white board to write down names and responses to the gospel (see photo below). We quickly moved from training to praising as we found more than 20 children and adults had given their lives to the Lord!!


1. For spiritual protection for the new believers
2. That God will show us which of our disciples he has prepared to disciple these new believers
3. That we and our disciples will be filled with the Spirit as we lead them and that the growth of these new believers will be blessed!
4. Especially for humility and diligence, that we give God the glory and that we may be faithful to continue with him in his work

Monday, March 23, 2015

Keystone Academy Vision

Recently, the school staff has been meeting and asking God what He specifically wants from the school. This summer, we will be running summer school. We have many decisions to make, and would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom on these decisions. Some specific ways you can be praying for this include:
- first, we feel that we need a clear vision for KA. Do we want the students to be disciples already, simply leaders in their community, regardless of their religions, students who are Christians already, etc. Pray that God would reveal to us what his purpose and vision is for KA and for the summer school.
- pray for summer school planning and that we would only teach what God wants us to teach
- pray for prospective students, whom we will be inviting to summer school to see if they could potentially be in the KA next school year

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Camp Update: Show me by your hand

1. Khin Aye and Lacey at Khin's home
2. Lacey, Khin Aye, and Katie at camp

(Keep in mind the camp theme: ID in Christ)

Prepare yourself to praise the Lord!

Khin Aye (pronounced "keen A"), a 12 year old Burmese girl, is being discipled by Lacey. 
We got back from camp Sunday afternoon and the following Monday started spring break for Khin. However, she decided to go to an optional half day at school to learn more English. 

While Khin was waiting for the bus Monday morning she prayed, "God, if you want me to tell someone about you today then show me by your hand."

Before the bus came, a man dressed all in white appeared to her and asked, "Who are you and where do you come from?" She replied, "I am a daughter of Jesus." Immediately the man disappeared.

Later at school Khin saw a white hand that no one else could see pointing to a Latino girl named Esther. Though nervous, she went and shared the gospel with her. After listening to Khin, Esther said she believed and wanted to learn more about Jesus. Khin replied, "Don't tell me, tell Jesus that," and she helped her pray to accept Christ!

That same half day at school Khin Aye shared the gospel with another classmate, this one from Africa. She also said she wanted to learn more.

On the bus on the way home Khin closed her eyes and saw a vision of many angels  moving all around her like a whirlwind clothed in white. When I knocked on her door later that evening, the first thing she said was, "Katie, God gave me a disciple today!" Amen! Praise God!

»» pray that Khin and Lacey will be able to reconnect with Esther and the African girl very soon. They live in the same complex as Khin, but don't know apt. numbers.

»» pray for wisdom and grace in the discipleship relationship as Khin and her family will be moving 20 minutes across town later this month.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Camp Update: Kyaw

You have been praying for Kyaw and his family already. He was the first person to come to the Lord when the Keystone team moved to Houston. His father died shortly after camp last year in August. Jacob Hundt has been discipling Kyaw. Jacob writes:

"The one thing Kyaw took away from camp is to share the gospel more often because he doesn't want his friends to go to hell. Yesterday he shared the gospel with his friend Adrian. He hasn't accepted Christ yet, but he's really close."

>>>  Pray for Adrian that God will open God heart to understand the gospel and believe.

Jacob is moving today to Los Arcos apartments to join the Salem Oaks branch of the Houston team. Joe Hutchinson, Keystone Academy director, will begin discipling Kyaw so that Jacob can focus on the harvest field in Salem Oaks.

>>>  Pray for Kyaw, Jacob, and Joe to make this transition under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, March 16, 2015

School Boys

12 boys attend the middle school discipleship school; most of them come from non-Christian homes. Many of their families worship Buddha, other gods, and one boy's family is Muslim. All but 2 school boys attended multicultural camp. Here are some specific ways you can be praying for the school boys:
1. Pray for Bay Lah: his family is Muslim and unaware that he is following Christ. In a dream at camp, Jesus told Bay Lah that he needs to be a missionary to the Burmese people. This is a big thing simply because of the fact that his family does not know that he follows Christ. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and boldness for Bay Lah.
2. Pray for San Oo and San Main (brothers); their family members are devout followers and leaders among the Buddhist people. Pray that they can see that God prevails over Buddha and that God will guide them as they go from being at a Christian school all day to a Buddhist family at night. Also pray that our team can reach their parents!
3. Pray for Kyaw; he is currently discipling a new believer, Mohammad. Pray for Mohammad to dive into Jesus Christ and be loyal and serious to both Christ and Kyaw.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Camp! Now what?

Thank you for camp prayers! The kids had a great time and the leaders did too! Such a blessing to spend time in the word, prayer, nature, fun, worship, outside of our normal environment.

Pray for the kids....

1. That they will continue to grow strong in their ID in Christ

2. For spiritual protection as the enemy will try to prevent this

3. For the Spirit to fill them and bless them this week as each one of them has at least one person they know who they need to share the gospel with this week

4. For their families (many of some are not believers) to be attracted to the Spirit in these kids

Pray for the leaders...

1. Faithfulness and good stewardship of time and energy for the team as we follow up with these kids, to continue to be vessels to encourage and empower them

2. The Sugar Creek volunteers who came out to be ready to respond if God is calling them to be more involved in these kids lives.... in His kingdom!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Camp and Identity

Camp and Identity
As multicultural camp is approaching on Friday, please join us in praying for the hearts of everyone involved. The theme, as mentioned before, is Who Am I, with an emphasis on finding your identity in Christ alone. Here are specific ways that you can pray:
1. For Da Reh and Li Reh, new believers ( as of today) :) that they will meet with Jesus at camp to begin forming a relationship with Him
2. For the families and parents of the kids going. That when the kids go home, they can continue applying what they learned and won't face opposition
3. The disciples will step up as leaders, leading their own disciples
4. Pray against the lies of the kids' generation & that these lies will be supernaturally torn down
5. Protection before, during, and after camp
6. For openness to new campers and unity among the various nationalities
7. Protection for LJ and Joe as they are the ones listening to what God wants them to teach in their sermons
8. Unity between the Keystone and Sugar Creek volunteers/ leaders

Monday, March 9, 2015

Unity and Humility

Recently Satan has been hitting our team pretty hard in various ways over the issue of humility and unity in relationship with each other. We knew we would need to be intentional about maintaining unity while transitioning to functioning as two teams in Houston. In the past few weeks as we have begun the transition with team members officially moved in at Los Arcos apartments in the Salem Oaks area, there have been several distinct attacks from the enemy against the unity of the team.

Philippians 2:1-11 has been a key passage for us. Please pray this passage over us, that we may be humble and focused on Christ in our relationships with each other, honoring each other, and working together in the Spirit with the same purpose and love as Christ has for us.

If you have any specific words, encouragement, or scriptures to share, please send them to  Thanks!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Jesus said to his disciples,

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;  therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest field."

We're currently praying for God to send more laborers into his harvest fields in Sharpstown and Salem Oaks.

Pray with us:

»» for our faithful disciples to be raised up, not simply to join the team but to commit their entire lives to the Lord to work with him in his harvest field

»» some of our disciples are already answering that call or are almost ready to do so... Pray for growth and maturity and for family pressures to be released

»» for new connections, especially couples and men, that God will bring people committed to him and ready to passionately fulfill his vision

»» for discernment as we seek these people out, that we will be in step with the Spirit as he is calling his workers

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Multicultural Camp

Who am I?

This Spring Break Sugar Creek Baptist Church is sponsoring another multicultural camp. March 13 -15 we have the opportunity to bring 40 of our disciples ages 9-14 to experience a weekend of outdoor fun centered around a theme of knowing, believing, and living their identity in Christ.

Prayer Points:

>> Pray for LJ who is directing the program and also has a lot of other responsibilities on his plate in the next few weeks.

>> Pray for team members and volunteers from Sugar Creek who will be pitching in for various elements from leading worship and small groups and staying in cabins to planning games etc.

>> Pray for our disciples...
     1. That the ones who need to be there will be able to come

     2. That their eyes, ears, and hearts will be ready to receive the truth of their identity in Christ

     3. That discipling relationships following the weekend will be strengthened, especially that our disciples will be empowered to speak the identity of Christ into their own disciples