Wednesday, April 22, 2015


PICS: inside former neighborhood brothel

Headline: Brothel shut down, cleansed from the inside out

How it happened:
Last Wednesday night the Ranchester team went prayerwalking together with disciples to overturn some of the lingering strongholds of the enemy in the area. Last year you laboured in prayer with us over the two brothels in our neighborhood, that God would either allow us to make disciples among them or remove them from the area so as not to be a hindrance to the gospel. In December we were told that the new land owner was not renewing leases for the two brothels and a few bars and gambling game rooms on the strip.  One of these brothels closed and vacated less than a month following this news. We requested your prayers that the land owner would grant us access to the property to finished the work, spiritually speaking, by praying through the building. That permission was never given. The other spa remained up and running longer than we had expected and was therefore on the list of strongholds still needing to be addressed during the prayer walk last week.  When the team arrived Wednesday night, however, they discovered that God had gone before them! Red light turned off, rooms emptied, doors open, workers inside repainting. Two team members were able to go inside and pray through the empty brothel, cleaning out the dark and bringing in the light and life of Christ. God granted access to us to finish his work! How great is our God! Amen and amen!

>>>Praise him with us!

>>>Pray that purity and devotion to Christ will be deeply rooted in our disciples so that they may be agents of change in the Ranchester community!