Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Four key leaders

At Salem Oaks, one of our goals by the end of the summer is to find and begin discipling four men of peace, key leaders among the Nepali, Karenni, Latino, and African people groups. By the end of the year our desire is to see these men raised up to launch movements among their own communities here.

This goal was made as a result of multiple team members coming out of time in prayer with this same desire in our hearts. However, we understand that this cannot be accomplished by any effort on our part. The Father must draw these men; the Spirit must convict them; and the Son of God must set them free.

Join us as we ask God to move on the hearts of men, and that we may be led by his Spirit as we search diligently for the ones he is calling!


  1. Amen to this! Praying in this as well. Come Lord Jesus!

  2. Amen to this! Praying in this as well. Come Lord Jesus!
