Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mehmor's Sister and Her Family

> Picture 1: members of Mehmor's extended family. Woman in back is Mehmor's sister, and new mom of twin boys. Mehmor, pictured on right, is holding one of the twin boys.
> Picture 2: team member, Keri, holding the second twin boy.
> Mehmor is a member of our team. Her family is Karreni and originally lived in Burma, then Thailand, and now in Houston. Recently, her oldest sister and her husband had twin boys. They are two months old. They were living in Massachusetts, but they felt that it would be best to move here to have extra help from their family.
> Specific prayer requests:
> 1. For Mehmor's brother in law to find a job here in Houston so that he can support his family and allow his wife to stay home with the twin baby boys. He has been in the US for just one year, and is having a difficult time adjusting to the culture and learning English.
> 2. For Mehmor's sister, and her family, to find Christ and be discipled by someone on our team. She is catholic; Mehmor is asking for prayer that she will find Jesus and accept him as her personal savior.
> 3. Overall, pray for the baby boys in general. Pray for them to get accepted into WIC asap so that they can get diapers, formula, etc. Also pray that their mother can continue to recover from the birth of the twins.

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