Saturday, April 26, 2014

Words from the Lord

Here is a practical blessing that you can give to our team as you pray for us.


Please be listening for what the Holy Spirit may have to say to you for us as a team or for any specific member of our team.  If you think of a Bible verse, or hear a specific word from God, please e-mail them to Katie so she can pass them on to the team.


Here are the names of our team members:














Meh Mor


Please feel free to share even the simplest things that God shows you or puts on your heart for us, even if it does not make sense to you.  The Holy Spirit knows our needs.



Pressing In

Dear prayer team,


This may sound redundant, but please be praying with us as we transition leadership over the next month.  


Every member of our team is stepping into a new role and into greater leadership in some form or fashion.  We will be gaining some new interns over the summer and several of us will be moving into new apartments within the next month/two months.  These things are great, but they also make for a lot of practical stress and require time.


Our disciples are making disciples... PRAISE GOD... and this means we also need to give more time and energy to them. We are all being stretched more and more out of our comfort zones and beyond our ability to do things out of our own strength and wisdom.  


Your prayers during this time will be vital!  These good things that God is doing will be met with opposition from the enemy. And they already are. We need you to provide "air cover," so to speak, as we fight this battle on the ground.


Pray as the Spirit leads you. Here are some key things we are praying for…


·         Pray that we will be filled with the Spirit and that each new step and decision will be made according to his direction and power.


·         Pray that we will be protected from the evil one and that his schemes will be exposed and nullified.


·         Pray for unity – that all the details of moving and new leadership roles will be worked out through the Spirit of Christ and that no seed of conflict or division will be able to enter any of our hearts.


·         Pray that we will be full of joy, empty of anxiety, remembering God's nearness and bringing our requests to him.


·         Pray that his peace which surpasses understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


·         Above all else, pray that God will be glorified in and through us during this time!


If you are in Christ, you are covered in his righteousness, and your prayers are powerful and effective!  We trust that God will use you mightily! 


We thank God for you!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Leadership transition - Houston team

This weekend, LJ, Houston team leader, will be going to South Dakota to lead visionary training for the Keystone Summer interns and international leaders during the month of May.


Please be praying for... 


·         LJ and his family as he finishes preparations and transitions into this intense time of training away from home.

·         Jacob and Albert as they transition into leading the Houston team in his absence.

·         The team as a whole as we move forward, especially that we will be unified in the Spirit and walking in deeper relationship with him personally, corporately, and in ministry.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leadership Transition: Part 4

Team Member: Catherine

è Leader: Martina (Karenni girl, middle school, together with Meh Mor, has been a part of leading over 10 teens, parents, and grandparents to the Lord in the past six months, currently discipling 5 of her peers)

·        Requests

-      Familiy issues: she needs freedom and favor from her mom to go on mission with Catherine and her disciples

-      Discernment/conviction: which things to be involved in and which to say no to so that she will have enough time with her disicples

-      Anointing and wisdom to lead her 5 friends – that the Spirit will do the work through her


è Leader: Mi Mi (Karen girl, high school senior)

·        Request

-      Mi Mi has leadership potential, but something unknown has been holding her back to the point that she is becoming less open and less willing to be discipled, herself.

-      Pray that this unknown hindrance will be exposed and that Mi Mi will be willing to work together with God and with Catherine to resolve it. 

Leadership Transition: Part 3

Team Member: Xavier


è Leaders – Working together with Albert with the same Juan and Rudy

·         Request – Xavier says, “They need to come to repentance of their sins and truly allow Jesus to come into their lives.” Please pray that the Holy Spirit will open their ears and their hearts to receive his conviction and understand and obey – not just words, actions.

·         Rudy – lives with several other guys who are not following the Lord.

-       Pray that he will begin to fear God instead of his roommates

-       Pray that he will experience the love and pleasure of relationship with Christ enough that his desire for Christ will be greater than his desire for the sinful things he often falls into with his roommates

-       Pray that he will be willing to move out


è Leader – Omar (Latino man)

·         Request – Similar to Juan and Rudy, Omar verbally agrees but does not practically follow Christ.  Pray for conviction and understanding to lead to repentance and obedience.

Team Member: Hannah

è Leader: Meh Mor (Karenni girl, high school senior, has been a part of leading more than 10 teens, parents, and grandparents from her tribe to the Lord in the last 6 months)

·         Requests

-       That she will continue see how worthy God is and count it a joy to lead.

-       Clear direction for Hannah and Meh Mor as they seek to discern how best to communicate the Bible in a reproducible and practical way since many of these people are illiterate

-    For God to identify a leader(s) among the families that Meh Mor and Hannah are leading who will catch the vision for discipleship as well

è Leaders: Seh Reh and Meh Mor (different Meh Mor than the above, Karenni, young married couple, new believers)

·         Request – Reconciliation as a family


Please also pray for Albert to know which of these leaders needs the majority of his time and energy.