Tomorrow is the first day of class for the Keystone Academy, the alternative middle school for refugee boys that has been on our heart as a team since we first began to know the people here back in 2010.
We began a trial run with just a few students over the spring semester of this year. Tomorrow we will be starting a new school year with 12 students!
Praise God for the opportunity to raise these boys up as leaders among their people!
Pray for their hearts to be open and prepared for the challenging growth they are about to experience this year, academically, spiritually, and in every area of their lives.
Praise God for two of these boys, San Oo and Lah Kpro, who gave their lives to Christ and committed to discipleship just yesterday!
Pray for the three teachers and administrative couple (baby coming any day now) from the Houston Team as they do last minute preparations. Pray that they will have spiritual eyes to see and lead these boys as Christ does.