Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Closing In...

Thank you for your continued prayers for the spiritual research and mapping phase of preparation for launching Houston team Brayes Oaks.

We're closing in on the last few important items and the last few days before compiling, summarizing, and processing the significance of what we've found... including important historical facts and figures, current events, local cultural practices, spiritual forces at work in the area, strongholds to be broken etc.

Please continue to pray...

»»Spiritual protection and team unity

»»Spiritual discernment and supernatural guidance weeding through all the information

»»Physical endurance for long hours and days full of work, discipleship, and research online, on the ground, and on our knees

»»Pray for clear priorities, that our team will not neglect the relationship with the Lord in the midst of it all

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Progress, Pushback, Prayer


In the last week and a half we have uncovered some critical information about the original owners of the Brayes Oaks district, received key insight into the residents and Spiritual climate of Los Arcos and the surrounding apartments, and discovered the locations of many satanic strongholds in the area:  temples of various religions, covens, cults, and masonic lodges, just to name a few.

As we continue to search out the enemy's hiding places in Brayes Oaks, we are still needing your prayers!


Satan is aware of what we are doing and isn't happy about it. In the last few days several of our team members have been getting sick, some having trouble sleeping and experiencing strange dreams. It's a constant balancing act to maintain team unity, continue in the discipleship relationships we already have, and keep pushing forward to better understand the nature of the battle we are facing for Los Arcos and Brayes Oaks. On top of that most of us have part/full-time jobs.

We need your reinforcements in the Spiritual realm. Your continued prayers for us are vital!


** physical health and healing
** spiritual protection as we sleep
** team unity
** protection and continued growth for the disciples we
** continued discernment and direction as we keep scouting out this land

Monday, January 19, 2015

Pray and go!

Houston team praying together before going out in teams to do on-site research in the Brayes Oaks district, the area surrounding Los Arcos apartments.

Please continue lifting us up as we do more of the "leg work" this evening.

Ah the Holy Spirit to lead us in unity with him!

More on the specifics of what we're uncovering will be coming soon. Thank you for spring us in the process!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Here's a picture of the battle your prayers are currently supporting! Online research and late nights...

Oh to have the faith of a child!

Please continue to pray for Spiritual discernment and focus as we sift through all the information, that we may know what is important and what is not.

Also pray for Spiritual eyes Sunday and Monday evenings as we go out in teams to do more research on site. Pray for divine connections to be made with the right people so that the enemy's strongholds may be exposed.

As We Pray

Let's pray in faith! Check out this song called, "As We Pray" (youtube link at bottom)


As we pray, the darkness turns to light
As we pray, the will of God and man align
With one voice we lift our hands to say
We only trust in Jesus name
Lord of mercy hear this prayer we raise

Let Heaven's gates be open
Let words of life be spoken
Not ours but Your will be done,
Father, as we pray to You

As we pray, the blind are given sight
As we pray, the heart of God and man unite
With one voice we lift our hands to say
We only trust in Jesus name
Lord of mercy hear this prayer we raise

Let Heaven's gates be open
Let words of life be spoken
Not ours but Your will be done,
Father, as we pray to You

Bring freedom and forgiveness
Bring healing and repentance
For only You can save us
Father, as we pray to You

We lift one voice to one God, for one cause that all may know You
One voice to one God, for one cause that all may know You
One voice to one God, for one cause that all may know Your love

Let Heaven's gates be open
Let words of life be spoken
Not ours but Your will be done,
Father, as we pray to You

Bring freedom and forgiveness
Bring healing and repentance
For only You can save us
Father, as we pray to You



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2nd Team: Spiritual Research

Pic: Los Arcos apartments, Houston, TX, home to many nations.

Spiritual Research: Preparing the Ground

Pray spiritual protection, unity, and discernment as we begin spiritual research over the area of the city where we are planning to launch a second team in the next few months.

This is a very important step in the process of taking ground that has belonged to the enemy for a long time. It is a key way that we prepare the ground for the harvest we believe God is going to bring in.

For more details, see below.

Last Year's Goals

Last year one of our team goals was to launch a second Keystone team in the city of Houston.
We already had our sights on Los Arcos apartments, a complex about 25 minutes South East of our current location.

Catching you up to date

Over the Summer God ordained some key connections with Christian leaders who have already been working there through Sugar Creek Baptist church. Then in the Fall He gave some of our team members new disciples at that complex who are growing in faithfulness daily.

The more we have become involved at Los Arcos, the more we are seeing that God is doing a great work among the people there and that he is calling us to be a part of it.

Taking Action

This week we are beginning the process of Spiritually researching Los Arcos apartments as well as that area of the city as a whole.

We need your prayer cover. This is a spiritual battle and we're scouting out the land.

Pray that we will see as God sees.

New Catholic Leader

Please continue praying for Oh Meh, the new Catholic leader of the Karenni community.

>> Go to the Source

Pray against the spiritual forces leading the Catholic opposition to the Holy Spirit's work here.

>> Leader: Oh Meh

Pray for God to supernaturally call this woman to himself through dreams or visions or any other way he chooses.

>> Favor

Pray that we will have the opportunity to meet and gain favor with her so that she will not oppose God's work through us.

>> Children's Class

They are starting children/teens classes on  Sundays to prevent the young people from going away to other religions.

Pray that parents will not send their children and that those who attend will be protected from any lies taught.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


See post below

Catholic leadership

Pic: Karenni community gathered together for a Christmas fellowship at a local Catholic church

Pray for the Karenni Catholic leadership in our area. Today they are having a meeting to discuss choosing a new prayer leader for their house church meetings. The current leader is being accused of allowing too many young people go away to a different religion - aka, following Jesus and making disciples.

Pray that God will have mercy on them, send his Spirit to them, and call them into the truth.

Pray that they will choose a leader who God will call to himself.

Pray protection for those in the Karenni community who already have the Spirit in them.

Proverbs 14:12 says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death."

Pray that God will call them.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Last day of training

Pic: In prayer at the training

Today is our last day of training. We've had some really good time so far and also some tricky spiritual warfare to handle with some of our key disciples. Please continue covering us in prayer today as we learn about the Holy Spirit. So vital for them!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Training this weekend

Pray for training with teens and young adults this Friday, Saturday, Sunday (Jan 2-4).

Most participants will be our disciples, some guests and friends from Houston and beyond.

>>Pray for the Spirit to lead and equip us through LJ.

>>Pray a hedge of protection for us as we know this is another day in the battle.

>>Pray for key leaders among our disciples and possible new team members to be raised up through this time.