1. Lachu:
Son attends Keystone Academy
Lachu was planning to move his family to a cheaper apartment complex but changed his mind after seeing a vision of Jesus one day while he was on his way to sign the new lease. He was stopped at an intersection waiting for a green light when Jesus suddenly appeared, standing in the road in front of his car, dressed all in white, and saying, "Go back to the place where I put you." He tried to go a different way and Jesus stopped him again. Three times this happened, until Lachu finally decided to go back home.
»» pray for Lachu's eyes to be opened to see what God is calling him and his family to do at Los Arcos
2. Amanuel
Daughter, Salina, is a second generation disciple of the team
Has been a believer most of his life, and has been hurting over brokenness in his marriage and family. Recently Amanuel has been encouraged, strengthened, and challenged by Christ through team members Alfred and Jacob. Just last night they went vision casting to Amanuel (calling him to play his part in fulfilling the great commission). Jacob writes,
"Thanks for the prayers! Amanuel responded well to the vision and was very excited to start doing it. He was tearing up as we prayed for him. This week he'll be praying for God to show him a disciple."
»» Pray for Jacob as he continues working with Amanuel.
»» Pray for Amanuel to know Christ more intimately, be naked and raised you as a leader of his community, and to find a disciple this week.
3. Moni
Not yet believer
Wife, Reena, first generation disciple of the team, shows leadership potential
Moni allowed his wife to follow Jesus and be baptized but did not want to join her at the time. He has expressed a belief in one God, unusual coming from a pantheistic Buddhist background, but wasn't ready to believe that God was Jesus.
Today, right this moment, Moni is meeting with Shanmugam, Keystone international partner in India visiting the States for Spring training in South Dakota.
»» pray for God to give supernatural confirmation of the gospel and that Moni may join his wife in worshipping and working with the King of Kings.