Monday, June 29, 2015

New Disciple, David

Recently, David has expressed interest in knowing more about Jesus and taking Him to his friends. He wants to be a leader and his parents believe that he has the potential to do great things for God. Team member, Joe, cast the vision to David, with his family listening. David said that he wants to be discipled, and his family was very supportive of it. Please pray specifically that:
1. Joe will be led by the Holy Spirit and teach David exactly what he needs to hear
2. David will be faithful and grow immensely in the Lord
* picture: Joe casting the vision to David, with his Dad listening as well

Friday, June 26, 2015


Pics: young disciples and team members asking the Holy Spirit to fill and teach each other at the beginning of today's training

Keystone Project levels one and two training began last night in Houston, continuing through July 3rd.

Richard Greene, KP president, in Houston to give the training.

Attendees are some of the team's most faithful disciples, team members, and friends interested in what God is doing through KP.

Pray with us that God will be glorified by...
»» the Holy Spirit leading the teaching and understanding (through language barriers and youth and tired/full minds)
»» attendees supernaturally meeting Christ, hearing and surrendering to his call on a deeper level
»» spiritual protection and holiness of all involved

Monday, June 22, 2015

I will make you become fishers of men

1.Oo Reh practicing the gospel
2. Jacob sharing a story from Jesus life while Kho translates

Just last week we asked you to pray for three men at Salem Oaks in whom we saw leadership potential. I've if these was Oo Reh, Karenni man from Nacogdoches, TX, who became a believer just three weeks ago. Pray with us about the exciting things God is doing in this man's life!

Back story

Kho (young team member pictured above) had had a dream about her sister's father in law, Oo Reh, who was Buddhist. In the dream, a man from the team shared a story from the Bible with Oo Reh and God changed his heart so that he destroyed all his Buddhist things. The following weekend Oo Reh and his wife came to visit family in Houston and Jacob (team member pictured above) and Kho were able to share the gospel with them. That night, in the presence of a house full of guests, both Oo Reh and his wife, Ti Mo, prayed to ask God for the new life found in Christ. We gave them audio bibles on mp3 and told them to listen and share with others.

Saturday night

Fast forward three weeks... Last Saturday night Jacob was planning to make the three hour trip to Nacogdoches to follow up with Oo Reh but he came to Houston again instead. He told us that since we met him he had shared with four families, all of whom "said the same as me and wanted to learn more."

He was able to practice sharing the gospel again with Kho and then Jacob challenged him with the testimony of a Muslim convert who shares Christ in the face of persecution and with a story from the life of Christ. Jacob gave him an assignment to go back and share that story with his wife and he asked, "Should I teach it to the four families, too?" Absolutely! What a joy to see the Spirit working in this man's life!

Before leaving we prayed for Oo Reh that God would allow him to make many more disciples, and Jacob challenged him to pray the same for the four families and his wife.

»» Pray with us that the Spirit will continue working in this man and bring salvation to the Karenni people!

»» Pray for spiritual protection for these new believers and for Ti Mo to follow her husband's example.

Casting the Vision with Nah Ka Bo

Nah Ka Bo is in her mid twenties, and recently Catherine and her disciple, Susana, met with her to cast the vision of discipleship with her. She is already a believer and desires to share Christ with others. Back in November, she began ministering to her neighbor who is Buddhist. Her neighbor had brain cancer and Nah Ka Bo prayed healing over her in the name of Jesus, and it worked. However, the lady still remained Buddhist. Her roommate, also Buddhist, has been very open to hearing more about Christ. Nah Ka Bo plans to continue ministering to her neighbors. Catherine and Susanna said that Nah Ka Bo seems open to the vision! Pray that she will be willing to pay the cost and that she will be teachable!

Lead 222

Pic: Sugar Creek student helping Prabina, new Nepali believer, practice a gospel story so that she can go and share with her own friends.
This week the middle school students of Sugar Creek Baptist Church are going on mission with Salem Oaks and Ranchester teams, sharing the gospel, picking up trash, putting in sports equipment, praying for families, and doing other service projects for the community.

»»Pray for the students to catch the vision and take the gospel and a servant's heart back to their families and friends.

»» Pray for the families and children they encounter with us, that God will open doors and bring them into his kingdom.

»» Pray for Prabina, pictured above, as she begins to share with her friends.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Nine African Nations

At Los Arcos there are families from at least nine African countries (see map): Kenya, Rwanda,  Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Gabon, Congo, Uganda, and Gambia.

Alfred Varney, Keystone ministry partner from Liberia (you prayed for his family when the Ebola outbreak prevented him from returning home back in October) has re-joined the Houston Salem Oaks team with a vision to see a movement launched among these people.

These families come from a variety of religious backgrounds:
Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, Pentecostal, and Seventh Day Adventist, among others. All of them struggle on some level with brokenness, both physical and emotional, memories from the wars that made them refugees, and the social, family relational, and economic pressures that come with moving to a new place and culture.

»» Pray with us for a movement to be launched among the African community at Los Arcos that will prepare them to go out as missionaries to their own people, both in the States and in their home countries.

»» Pray for insight into the spiritual barriers that prevent them from knowing and growing in the Lord.

»» Pray for the language barriers to be breached.

»» Pray for an African leader, head of household, to rise up to unite the African community under Christ and his mission.

»» Pray for Alfred to be led and empowered by the Spirit in ministry and here, and that he and his family would be guarded from the evil one as he had been away from them now for over a year.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dialoguing with Mormons

On Saturday, Joe (team member) took his disciple, Kyaw, to prayer walk and see if God wanted them to share with anyone. Kyaw ended up sharing the Creation to Christ story with two young boys named David. As they were headed back, they ran into three young Mormon boys. The boys recognized Kyaw, and Kyaw recognized the boys. Their faces also looked familiar to Joe,as these boys are assigned and sent to share and work with people in the area complexes. Our team has been praying about how to handle the various Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses that spend time talking with many of the families around us. Joe and the three Mormon boys talked briefly about what each other is doing and what their purpose is. Joe then invited the boys to his house on this coming Tuesday afternoon to "dialogue". He hopes to get a better understanding of what the Mormons believe; more importantly though, he plans to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them and use scripture to back up everything he shares with these boys. This could be a huge breaking point with our team, as we have been praying and wrestling about what to do and say with these people who are coming and teaching our people the wrong things about God. Please join us in praying that Jesus would reveal himself to these boys on Tuesday.

Picture: Kyaw sharing the creation to Christ story with the young boys, shortly before having an interaction with the Mormon boys.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Training to Reach the Jews

Picture: Jewish ministry training, led by Joe Forest, meeting in one of the Keystone Academy classrooms.

Today and tomorrow we are hosting a training on ministering to Jewish people with Joe Forest who has some experience in this field.

»»Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give clear direction and vision to our team during this time.

»» Pray for a couple/family with a calling to work with the Jews to be raised up to join the team and move into the Jewish community in Salem Oaks before the end of the year.

»»Pray protection for Joe and the team, that the enemy may not be allowed to distract or take away from the Spirit's work through this training.

»» Pray for the hearts of the Jewish community to be prepared to receive the gospel!

Thank you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Potential leaders at Salem Oaks

Pray specifically for Emmanuel, Riziki, and Oo Reh.

>> Pray that each one may encounter Christ deeply and supernaturally and be radically changed for the gospel.

Emanuel - Eritrean father, working two jobs, has a passion for making disciples but doesn't have the time to pursue it.

»» Pray that he will find a job that will provide for his family and give him more free time to be discipled.

Riziki - young man from the Congo, recently connected with the team and excited about the vision, also tied down in part by his work schedule.

»» Pray that Riziki will realize and commit to the sacrificial lifestyle required to make disciples as Jesus did.

Oo Reh - Karenni grandfather, former Buddhist, lives 4 hours north of Houston, came to Christ 12 days ago while visiting family here after a prophetic dream moved our team to seek him out.

»» Pray that God will continue to strengthen this man (and his wife who also followed the Lord that night) and allow us to visit him soon.

»» The mp3 audio bibles we gave them before they left have stopped working. Pray for electronic healing and/or  supernatural dreams to continue feeding these spiritual babies!

Four key leaders

At Salem Oaks, one of our goals by the end of the summer is to find and begin discipling four men of peace, key leaders among the Nepali, Karenni, Latino, and African people groups. By the end of the year our desire is to see these men raised up to launch movements among their own communities here.

This goal was made as a result of multiple team members coming out of time in prayer with this same desire in our hearts. However, we understand that this cannot be accomplished by any effort on our part. The Father must draw these men; the Spirit must convict them; and the Son of God must set them free.

Join us as we ask God to move on the hearts of men, and that we may be led by his Spirit as we search diligently for the ones he is calling!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Susanna's Newest Disciple

A while back, we wrote about Susana, Catherine's disciple. She is 24 years old and is Karen; she has been extremely faithful to the vision and to making disciples of Jesus. Last year around Mother's Day, she began a simple relationship with a little girl named Ahzeeza. At the time, Ahzeeza was 6 years old; she is also Muslim. At first, Susana would just have her to her house to play games and eat snacks. Eventually, Susana started telling her about Jesus and how much He loved her. Ahzeeza's family told her not to visit Susana's house because they knew she was a believer. In spite of their requests, she continued visiting and learning from Susana on a regular basis. Recently, Ahzeeza decided to accept Jesus as her personal savior. She is now 7 years old and very curious about knowing as much as possible about Christ. Susana was able to share the creation story with her as well. Please be praying for this relationship and that Ahzeeza can be bold in her faith. Also pray for wisdom for her, as her family would not agree with her decision if they found out. Lastly, pray for Ahzeeza's grandmother, whom she lives with; the spirit has laid it on Susana's heart to share the gospel with her as well.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mehmor's Sister and Her Family

> Picture 1: members of Mehmor's extended family. Woman in back is Mehmor's sister, and new mom of twin boys. Mehmor, pictured on right, is holding one of the twin boys.
> Picture 2: team member, Keri, holding the second twin boy.
> Mehmor is a member of our team. Her family is Karreni and originally lived in Burma, then Thailand, and now in Houston. Recently, her oldest sister and her husband had twin boys. They are two months old. They were living in Massachusetts, but they felt that it would be best to move here to have extra help from their family.
> Specific prayer requests:
> 1. For Mehmor's brother in law to find a job here in Houston so that he can support his family and allow his wife to stay home with the twin baby boys. He has been in the US for just one year, and is having a difficult time adjusting to the culture and learning English.
> 2. For Mehmor's sister, and her family, to find Christ and be discipled by someone on our team. She is catholic; Mehmor is asking for prayer that she will find Jesus and accept him as her personal savior.
> 3. Overall, pray for the baby boys in general. Pray for them to get accepted into WIC asap so that they can get diapers, formula, etc. Also pray that their mother can continue to recover from the birth of the twins.