Wednesday, August 9, 2017
A New Addition
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Multicultural Camp
Friday, July 21, 2017
Taw Reh, our new brother
Monday, July 10, 2017
Preparing Abrahim for the Kingdom
Please join us in praying this man into the Kingdom and vision. Pray first of all that the power of Islam in his life would be weakened and that Abrahim would take up Jesus as his stronghold and mighty fortress. And pray that Chris and other teammates would have great wisdom to know next steps with this man. Thanks!
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Rejoice Training
An Interested Vietnamese Woman
When we left this past Tuesday, we prayed that Jesus would reveal himself to An supernaturally, specifically through a dream. Please join us in praying for next steps and for God to reveal himself to her.
Picture from left to right: Kalin, Keri's friend from Indiana, Keri, An, Hanh
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Praying Against False Religions
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
The Start of Ramadan
So on Saturday our team came together to fast and pray over the Muslim community. God has really opened up a door for our team into the Muslim community, and this year we're hoping and praying that God uses this month to draw them near to Jesus. Rather than Satan using this month to draw these people deeper into the lies of Islam, we're praying that God uses this month to (1) prepare them for the truth of the gospel and (2) give us even more in-roads into the lives of Muslims and more opportunities to speak truth into their lives. Please join our team in praying for these things, so that people's eyes would start opening throughout the city! Thanks!
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
God, We Want You to be Our King
God is Moving in Sheffield Square
April 5th: Time for Keegan and I tonight at Sheffield was a blessing. Was able to take my Homegroup on mission. We followed up with Sami's family. The mother was joyful to invite us in. She didn't want us to leave. She said she has been so sad. We asked to pray for her and joined hands in a circle and as we were praying for her she began to weep. She then replied in Arabic to us, I love you!
Her name is Sumiah. Here tears were very meaningful, they have invited us back whenever. Praying this leads to an open network of doors in the 6 families, Wesam, Yuossif, Muhammad, Mohammad, Osama and now Sami - His mother Sumiah. That a redemptive community would emerge and God would peal back the darkness and shine his light brilliantly!
April 12th: A Syrian Muslim family has recently invited Caleb and I over every Wednesday to teach them English and study the bible. Osama and his father "Said" and his brother "Hani" are unlike other families. They do not necessarily believe the bible has been changed. They want to know the truth about the bible and want to journey with us and come to a conclusion of the truth about Jesus. Last time I invited my friend Josiah over and they were wooed by his fluent Arabic speaking ability. This family is just hungry to say the least. Yes they are deep in Islam, but they even had a notebook of every bible verse we shared and every question they had about Jesus they would write down and are going to study the Ingil(Bible). Praying for a breakthrough!
Picture 1: Sumiah and Paul (from Chris' home group) engaged in conversation
Picture 2: Osama
Sunday, March 12, 2017
A Week with Rice University
There will be 15 students participating in a week long training and modeling with our team. These students are part of a campus- wide house church which includes 10 different churches. Team members Joe and Jerome will be leading the group in daily discipleship training, as their goal is to empower and equip them to make disciples on their own campus. Concluding the training, they will be going with our team members as they meet with disciples and share the gospel with others.
Please pray for this week to be fruitful and spirit led!
Sunday, February 26, 2017
A New Young Disciple
This past week Da Meh was sick with a high fever and strep throat, but still faithfully met with Susana to read scripture and pray. She also felt one night that God told her to go to a local Mosque with team members Susana and Jerome to share more about the Bible with a man they've been working with there! She's so hungry to learn more about Christ and wants to share him with everyone!
Please be praying for Da Meh to continue to feel better, for her to keep being faithful in meeting with Susana, and for a continued hunger to share with the lost.
*Da Meh is on the far left in the picture
Friday, February 10, 2017
Continuing the Movement in Haiti
Julio was part of the Houston team off and on the past 4 years, and he lived with Jacob for most of that time. But last year God really laid a burden on his heart to launch a movement of disciples making disciples in his own country, Haiti. So back in August he moved back home, and a couple team members helped him to lead a discipleship training there to help spark the movement.
Because almost any form of communication is so hard to come by there, we heard very little from him since he moved. Just yesterday, however, he had an opportunity to call and give an update (though it was pretty brief since his phone kept disconnecting the call).
As far as ministry goes, we had hoped he could disciple some of the key leaders from the August training. But according to him, most of the leaders we had identified have proven to be too committed to their church system. After working through a couple generations with some of them, they became less committed and distracted by their programs and services.
But some of the other guys from the training, ones we didn't see a lot of hunger from at the time, have given their lives to getting the job done. So there's a group of committed disciples that he meets with regularly.
Additionally, Julio has identified an area of town where the believers are much more prone to put their faith into action, rather than intellectualize things. So he's excited to start working more with them.
He finally got accepted at a job he was trying to get into. Not sure what it is exactly, but something ministry-related. So I think he'll start that this week. We were surprised to find he hadn't already gotten a job, since he's been there around 6 months, but apparently it's very difficult to find work there right now, even for the educated.
Also, his health has been really manageable lately, so he hasn't had to worry too much about it. For the past 3 years or so he's really struggled with pain and stomach problems resulting from his MS, so ministry was difficult, at times. It probably also helps now that he's surrounded by family members who can help him out and hold him accountable to resist isolating himself.
Anyway, those are most of the thing he was able to communicate yesterday. His assignment now is to find a more consistent way to communicate with us, and then we can have some deeper conversations about what's presently going on, as well as next steps.
Please be praying that God would continue to guide him in ministry, and that more and more believers there would come alongside him to become co-laborers. If we see that there are many leaders there committed to making disciples, we will probably have to consider holding a second (or I guess third at this point) training. Thanks guys!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Onaizabe Come with ME
The dad is, for a lack of better terms, a dead beat dad who is literally drinking and smoking his life away. He is very welcoming and accepting of our team though. A few months ago when we shared the Creation to Christ story with this family, the mother said it's all good and makes sense but she can not believe in it. She said she will die Muslim because that's what her parents expect. However, she was unable to tell us a single thing about her religion. She has agreed, though, to letting team members Keri, Susana, and Jenny continue to come back as well as spend time with the oldest daughter, Onaizabe.
Onaiza says she agrees with the gospel and that Jesus is who he says he is, but is scared that her parents will find out. When we asked her to make a decision, she said she needed some more time. We encouraged her to pray to "Allah" and then pray to Jesus, and see if she experiences/ feels anything.
Jenny and Keri will be following up with Onaizabe tonight! We are prepared for two outcomes: she decides she wants to follow Jesus and learn more about Him or she decides she won't follow Him due to fear of dishonoring her family. Please pray for Lord's will to be done and that he would work supernaturally through her, which is what it often takes for a Muslim to come to Jesus. Also pray for continued opened doors into their home and that their whole family would give their lives to Jesus!
Picture: Keri, Onaiza's little sister, and Onaiza
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Seeing the City with Fresh Eyes
The Keystone Houston team has been in the city for 6 years now, and in those 6 years we've undergone many changes - things like splitting to 2 locations, running a school for a bit, restructuring leadership, etc. In fact, the only 'original' team members that we still have are LJ, Nicole and Jacob. And even LJ and Nicole have been working their way out of the team lately to pursue a greater role in the Keystone Project.
The way that God has developed this team has been great, and everyone that's a part of it now is totally committed to making disciples, whatever the cost. But we've noticed that lately the team has gotten caught up a bit in the day-to-day ministry, and more and more we lack a perspective of the greater vision. The thing is, since none of the new team members were a part of moving into the city and spiritually mapping the city, they naturally have a hard time owning the Kingdom work of the whole city for themselves.
So basically, we're excited to share the gospel and teach our disciples, but sometimes we lose sight of the fact that there's a whole city here to reach beyond our own apartment complexes. And because of it, our strategic nature as well as our sense of urgency have been diminishing.
So the past couple weeks we've taken a bunch of time to make trips as a team to different areas of Houston, both to minister as well as to view the enemy's strongholds up close. The goal is that as we witness in-person the diligent, constant and shameless work of the enemy throughout the city, we'll have a greater sense of urgency to get the job done as well as a keener awareness of the strongholds we'll have to work through right in our own neighborhoods.
Last week we spent time prayer walking through the Montrose area, which is the gay capital of Houston, where we prayed over many clubs, one of the secular universities there containing a 'gateway' to the city, a field where a large mosque will be built (one of the largest mosques in North America) and a few other buildings.
Last night we visited Hermann Park, which is somewhat the heart of Houston. Throughout the park we prayed against the many Masonic strongholds of the city. Tonight, then, we might prayer walk Bissonnet, which is one of the most heavily prostituted areas of the city.
Please pray with our team as we continue combating the enemy and discovering strongholds. We know that as we continue to intrude into the enemy's territory we're opening up ourselves to more spiritual attacks. So (1) please pray for spiritual protection, (2) please pray each one of us would have a larger perspective of what God wants to do in and through us this year, and (3) please pray that we would be prepared for our retreat this weekend and that God would be able to use it to spark fresh passion and fresh unity.
Thanks guys!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
A Potential 1st Generation Disciple
About a month and a half ago Keegan joined our team. He's a 23-year-old (actually just had his birthday yesterday) from Indiana who felt called by God last year to give his life to making disciples. After going through a Keystone internship last summer, God eventually brought him to the Houston team.
Since being here, Keegan's been a great asset to our body, especially through his diligence and insight as he's gone with many different team members ministering to our disciples and ministry contacts. He's been faithful with everything that's been asked of him, and he's taken the role of a servant to the team many times. But now that a month and a half has gone by, he's looked back and realized that he still hasn't been able to find someone here that he can confidently call a first generation disciple.
A lot of his time so far has been spent joining others' plans, but the last couple weeks it's been a goal of his to network as much as he can in order to find his own contacts and some potential disciples. While he was knocking on doors yesterday in his apartment complex (Los Arcos) he came across a teenager named Juan (not the boy in the picture), who was really friendly and open. They only talked briefly, but Keegan could see that he had some leadership qualities. Also, most Hispanics we've met in Los Arcos aren't too friendly, so Juan really stood out to him.
Keegan plans to continue meeting people each week, whether it's people he passes outside or people he meets at work or other residents of Los Arcos, but he definitely wants to begin testing Juan for discipleship. The next step is to see if he's willing to hang out sometimes, and I know right away Keegan will try to share with him why we're here and what we hope to accomplish.
Please be praying for Keegan. (1) Pray that God would open a door into Juan's life and that Keegan would have wisdom and boldness in ministering to him. (2) Pray that Keegan would continue meeting the right people that he should be pouring into. (3) Pray that Keegan would adjust well to his new job as a housekeeper, which he just started yesterday, and that he'd be a light to his co-workers. Thanks guys!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Prophetic Insight Amongst our Team
Please join our team in praying for these revelations. Pray we would be faithful to live them out and that we would seek Him first!
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Recent Prayer Requests
Here are a few recent prayer requests from a few of our team members. Just a snapshot of what's going on in our lives recently!
Along with these please pray for our team against infirmity and distraction. Each household has been consistently struggling with either sickness, physical problems, or physical distractions for the past two months. Please war with us!
I've recently have been meeting with Purnima more this past month and we went to Regina's last week and she chose to start being discipled and asked for the Spirit of God to fill her. She's a Nepali Christian but also has been following worldly ways more and more in the past year or two. Today we looked at the greatest commandment and what it means to love God and love others. Please pray for Purnima as she disciples Regina, great intentionality and faithfulness to the Lord on each end. Thanks!
-Lacey 1/7
At tun tun naing's with Zach and Susana. Explaining life after death and the final judgement. Pray that he's able to understand. He's still scared of coming back to live as an animal (Buddhist background). The good news is He's been carrying this worry to Christ
-Hannah D 1/6
Please pray for imam, we are unpacking Ephesians 2:4-5 at the mosque and the meaning of "grace" from Burmese to English...

Hey guys. Hannah's and I just got to Muh Jae's house. Please pray for us as we have in our hearts to share somethings.
Going to go through repentance with my mom. Please pray it's deep and freeing.
Time with Abraham went very well. Teaching him computer programs and basics of Excel and Word. He wants us to return tmrw night. Pray for further relationship and for the spirit to lead 12/25
Please pray if awake. Haha. We are still with Abraham. He has 5 friends over one of them Abdulmalek who has engaged in deep spiritual conversation. God is at work. Pray for the spirit to lead 12/27
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Troubled Teen
Several teammates have been pouring into him the past few months to help him escape that lifestyle, but despite expressing several times that he wants to follow Christ he seems to keep returning to his old friends.
Our new team member Damion has spent a lot of time with him lately, since he had a very similar childhood, and just last night he ended up counseling the family through some conflict. The parents were drunk and treating the children badly, and the father ended up punching out a window, which caused his hand to need some first aid. Nikash ended up staying at the guys’ apartment, which has been happening more and more for him to escape a rough home life.
Obviously if things escalate in the home then more severe measures will have to be taken. But we are hoping and praying that God will supernaturally intervene and transform hearts. Please be praying for wisdom so we know how to proceed in ministering to the family and pray for Nikash to recognize the futility of the path he’s traveling. Thanks!