Monday, March 9, 2015

Unity and Humility

Recently Satan has been hitting our team pretty hard in various ways over the issue of humility and unity in relationship with each other. We knew we would need to be intentional about maintaining unity while transitioning to functioning as two teams in Houston. In the past few weeks as we have begun the transition with team members officially moved in at Los Arcos apartments in the Salem Oaks area, there have been several distinct attacks from the enemy against the unity of the team.

Philippians 2:1-11 has been a key passage for us. Please pray this passage over us, that we may be humble and focused on Christ in our relationships with each other, honoring each other, and working together in the Spirit with the same purpose and love as Christ has for us.

If you have any specific words, encouragement, or scriptures to share, please send them to  Thanks!

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