Hey guys, just an update on Santa's dad, Bal. As I mentioned a few weeks back Bal was Hindu his whole life and opposed the gospel for some time. But after we (Santa and Jacob) kept ministering to him and after a prophetic dream he decided to accept Christ!
He started attending the Nepali church fellowship right away (there are meetings every Sunday and Wednesday), but no one was really teaching him what following Jesus actually means or looks like. Santa was really busy with work, and I couldn't meet with him without someone to translate.
But last week, I decided to start taking my 11-year-old disciple Rekesh to translate (left side of the picture), with the purpose of teaching all the basics of Christianity. (I didn't really like this idea at first because it's a bit culturally awkward for young Nepali people to translate for adults, but I eventually decided there's no other good option.) Both times that we've met with him he's invited us to come daily, so as long as he's faithful to finish the assignments we give him we'll probably go there often.
Some of the things we hope to impart to him in the coming weeks are (1) a full understanding of the gospel, (2) his new identity in Christ, (3) Christianity is a relationship, not a set of rules, (4) daily disciplines, (5) a lifestyle of repentance and growth, (6) following the Holy Spirit, and (7) the Great Commission. Or at least those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. :)
Please be praying for Bal, so he continues growing in Christ. He's the head of his household, so he has a lot of potential influence in Los Arcos, and all that Jesus needs from him is a willing heart. Please pray (1) that I would know what to teach and how to teach it, (2) that he would understand everything clearly despite hearing problems and despite Rekesh' limited knowledge of the language, and (3) that Bal would passionately seek to apply the things we're teaching rather than simply add them to his knowledge. Thanks!
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