Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Crescent Oaks Ministry
Monday, December 14, 2015
Gifts of Love
By the end of the night all the Nepali kids that attended had made decisions to follow Christ! One of the Nepali mothers that was there also committed to Jesus.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Night of Worship
- Please pray that many of those on the fringes would be challenged by what they learned tonight and commit themselves to the Lord in a greater way. That they would they find their joy in truth so that they might desire be obedient to the Lord.
- Pray also that they would have favor as they complete the assignment of sharing what they learned with their families.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Young Los Arcos Disciples
Sunday, November 15, 2015
The Dillers
Please pray specifically for the Dillers that they'll continue to lean on Christ during this big transition and be effective in their apartment complex in sharing the gospel!
Sunday, November 8, 2015
McGathy's on Mission
- Julia has been pouring into four girls ever since the couple arrived: Smirti, Sang Huang, Sang Muang, and Beh Meh. They are Christians but all four of them just made the decision recently to go deeper in their walk with Christ and follow him at a greater cost.
- An African woman named Phaza, the mother of Taher's disciple, Olivia, asked Julia to be discipled. That will happen through translation of Olivia. Please pray for the husband, Mkunzi. He is currently in jail for abusing the family. Pray against alcohol abuse in his life. Chris hopes to connect with him when he gets out.
- Chris has been connecting with people weekday mornings at the bus stop. There have been at least two people that Bibles were given to. He said they both held them tightly after they were given, one was actually snatched from his hands!
- Nemal is a Nepali man who is traditional Hindu. He only believes in one God. Chris was able to give him a Nepali Bible and he has been reading it comparing it to his religion.
- Chris met Ah Htoo a month ago before he left for the SD training. He's not Christian but Chris got to pray for him to find a job. During that month God provided a job for this man! Chris Block, a new Ranchester team member got to share with him, and at the end of their time the man initiated asking for prayer for his mother.
- Together they have been able to connect and build relationship with their neighbor, Marlon, and his family. They are Hispanic and they will be having dinner with them on Wednesday night.
- They also connected with a deaf Nepali couple, Dahn and Mani. They are Christian but they do not follow. Mormons have been coming to them giving them resources and info on the book of Mormon. Chris was able to show them truth and trade out the Mormon's book for the Bible.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Disciples in Port Lavaca
He stayed in Houston with me (Jacob) for two months once his family moved, and after that I started making monthly trips to visit him in Port Lavaca and equip him to continue God’s work there. Polo was able to move back in with me throughout this past summer (which is something he hopes to do every year until he’s old enough to actually join the Keystone Team).
I got a chance to visit him again recently, and as always it’s encouraging to see his faithfulness and ongoing passion for the Lord. Fortunately, he’s been able to get plugged into a church there, which he attends at least every week, so even when I’m not there to help him I know that someone is helping to feed him spiritually and hold him accountable.
The two other faithful disciples we have there are Mi Paing and Say Paw (both 14-year-old Karen girls). All three disciples have been sharing the gospel with classmates ever since the new school year started and are actively looking for people to disciple themselves. They could all use your prayers, since they’re young people who have been changed by the gospel and are trying to do God’s work in their city largely on their own.
I believe God has a purpose in having them in Port Lavaca, and it’d be great if we could see a disciple-making movement begin in that city. Please continue praying for them, that they would be drawn closer to Christ daily and that they would have great authority even amongst their peers. It’s been hard for each of them to actually disciple people there, since classmates generally won’t listen as well as they would to adults. Also pray that our team would have great wisdom in knowing how to come alongside them effectively to support and equip them. Thanks!
Monday, October 19, 2015
Keystone, South Dakota
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Sancha's struggle
1) Pray for increased faith in sharing the gospel, even though she continues to face opposition
2) Pray for wisdom for the doctors; she frequently gets dizzy and passes out as well as feels burning after eating almost all foods
3) Pray for their finances, that they would have enough to make ends meet
4) Pray for her husband, Harka, who is not a believer, which causes controversy in the home
5) Pray for strength in discipling her 3 year old daughter; her other family members who watch her daughter do not see eye to eye on discipline tactics
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Connections into Salem Oaks area
Friday, October 9, 2015
Keystone, SD Training
Chris and Julia, as well as Jerome, left last week to be a part of it. It will be especially transformational for Chris and Julia, since they haven't had the chance to receive any Keystone training yet. The rest of the Houston Team will be traveling there in the next couple weeks to attend the Keystone Staff conference at the end of the training.
(1) Please pray that the Spirit would speak clearly and in a transformational way to Chris, Julia, Jerome and the potential Houston teammates that are there. (2) Pray for the staff conference in a couple weeks, that everyone would travel safely and the conference would be a unifying and Spirit-led event. And finally, (3) please pray for the disciples that will be here in Houston during that time, that they would continue to be faithful even when most of the leaders are absent. Thanks!
Monday, October 5, 2015
Meeting Physical Needs
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Reaching Out
1. Raising up Head of Household Leaders among the different nations.
- 1 Karenni
- 1 African
- 1 Nepali
- 1 Hispanic
3. Having each 1st generation disciple leading their own redemptive community.
4. Taking our disciples out of context (out of Los Arcos) at least once each week.
God wants to do a greater work than just inside Los Arcos.
Currently we have one Nepali Leader, Man, but is struggling to see himself as a Leader. Please pray God would raise up a leader in the other 3 nations.
Different Houston team members have connected with one Jewish man on three different occasions, beginning from almost day one of our journey on permanently being on this side of town. Please pray for discernment and action on our part if he is one key person of peace that will start building relationships with the Jews!
Pray God would use our 1st generation disciples to empower those they are leading in their groups to see the bigger picture and continue to reach out.
And pray that as we are taking our disciples out God will start to build connections into the rest of the Salem Oaks area.
Thank you for your faithful prayers!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Susana's Girls
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Our Young Karenni Leader
Kho Meh has since discipled several key people such as Salina (an Ethiopian girl), Purnima (a Nepali girl), as well as Kho's sisters. And Kho is the reason we got connected with Oo Reh in Nacogdoches. He's the guy we posted about months ago who helped to lead several other families to the Lord in that city.
In each of those instances, Katie was always there to coach and disciple Kho in order to be most effective. But since Katie recently moved to Portland, Kho has been surprisingly consistent and diligent largely on her own. She is leading a group for all the girl first generation disciples in Los Arcos as well as co-leading a group for all the first generation disciples in Los Arcos. She continues to be the main translator for the believers in Nacogdoches and plays an important role on the Keystone Team itself.
We're encouraged and blessed to get to be a part of everything God's doing here in Houston, but it's especially encouraging when we see fruit that lasts and flourishes. It's a reminder that the effect our team has here isn't just for a season but rather is lasting and permanent. And obviously Kho and other disciples like her are only the result of fervent, passionate prayer.
(1) Please continue to lift up Kho as one of her main disciples, Purnima, is actively looking for a disciple of her own. God's really changed Purnima's heart the past few months through discipleship and through camp recently. So since school has started up again, she's been praying for a Nigerian Muslim girl in school, Adijat, and is ministering to a Vietnamese classmate, who's interested to learn more about Christ. (In the 1st picture Kho is the girl in the blue shorts, and Purnima is wearing the yellow shirt.)
(2) Kho's also excited because Jacob went with her yesterday to share the gospel with her brother Seh Reh (2nd picute). He's recently showed interest in Christ, and after talking to him about the gospel he gladly prayed to follow Jesus! Please pray that he'd develop a deep relationship with Christ, especially since he lives a couple hours away and doesn't have anyone around him to help him through the process.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Sunblossom Mountain
Monday, September 7, 2015
General Team Update
Sunday, September 6, 2015
A Desire for God
Monday, August 31, 2015
Htoo Nay
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Finding Freedom at Camp
Friday, August 21, 2015
Multiplying a Nepali Leader
Jacob and Man went into the home for the first time last week and shared the gospel with Ram. Like most non-believing Nepali's we've encountered, he was interested to learn but didn't want to follow Jesus. However, he seemed a bit friendlier and open to the message than most, so our team began lifting him up in prayer. Man followed up with him last Sunday, and Ram said at the end that he'd like to go to church with him this weekend to learn more about Jesus!
They've since met with him one more time and have continued sharing truth with him, but there are still a lot of walls that need broken down before he'll be ready to follow Christ. Please be praying for him! Some of the main things to pray for are (1) that he'd recognize following Christ is not 'one of many ways to salvation' but instead the only way to salvation, (2) the God of the Bible, who is Jesus, has created all things and is infinitely more powerful than any man-made god, and (3) that he'd begin experiencing Jesus and His power in many aspects of his life, through dreams, visions, signs and miracles.
Also, please pray for Man to understand God's vision and work in a deeper, more practical way than ever before. Pray for great passion in his life as he aligns every aspect of himself with God's Kingdom!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Unexpected Visit
Fortunately, YeeBwee was home and they got to talk for about two hours! Lacey felt like she should ask how YeeBwee had been and what has been happening in her life. During their time together YeeBwee shared that most of her friendships (ones where the people would try to pull her down) had been broken, she had come to a place of recognizing her mistakes, understanding she needs to think before acting, and wanting to grow from these things.
In the end, Lacey was able to challenge her, give her encouragement, and give her a new perspective on how God sees these situations. As she was leaving she shared how God had told her to go there. YeeBwee then shared how two weeks prior to the visit she was feeling down and praying and felt like God had told her, "Don't worry, Lacey will come visit soon." Please be in prayer for this young lady!
Prayer points:
- Pray that YeeBwee would be drawn to the Lord as she has these times of solitude.
- Pray that she wouldn't anchor her love and hope into anything except the Lord.
- As she is starting high school, pray that God would lead her to a friend that would build her up and encourage her and point her to the Lord instead of the world.
Monday, August 17, 2015
School is Approaching
1. For christ to be first in every decision made
2. Who the 12th student should be
3. For unity amongst the boys who come from various backgrounds
4. That God would provide the support needed for KA
5. That the withdrawal process from the public school will go smoothly
Monday, August 10, 2015
Carina's Connections
1. Pray for wisdom for Carina on next steps
2. Pray that she knows how much time she should spend with them, especially since they already have a pretty good knowledge of God, though some of their beliefs are not Biblical
3. Pray that her time spent with them is Christ- centered and meaningful
4. Pray that God will be working in their lives
Friday, August 7, 2015
Raising Up a Nepali Leader
But we've worked with Man (pronounced Mon) for a few weeks now, and it's been great to see the Spirit working on his heart and bringing him into the vision. He was Hindu most of his life, but he and his family converted years ago after spending more time with the Nepali Christians. Jacob has been discipling his son Sangay for several months now, but he just recently started discipling Man. They hope to go meet Nepali Hindus together on Sunday.
Please pray that he would give his life to make disciples and launch a movement within the Nepali community and that he and his family would continue drawing closer to Jesus!
Monday, August 3, 2015
A Blessed Week
Here are two pictures of some boys during summer school.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Building Connections
1. Pray for God to show up in a powerful way in each person's life
2. Pray for unity amongst all the different people
3. Pray for deep relationships to form
4. Pray that we will be empowered to reach more people in the apartment complexes this week
5. Pray that summer school will go smoothly and the workers can make an impact, but more importantly, challenge the boys to live sold out lives for Jesus
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Retreat Update
Pictures: the girls praying and spending time together and some of the boys hanging out
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Team Retreat
Monday, July 6, 2015
Staying Strong After Training
Monday, June 29, 2015
New Disciple, David
1. Joe will be led by the Holy Spirit and teach David exactly what he needs to hear
2. David will be faithful and grow immensely in the Lord
* picture: Joe casting the vision to David, with his Dad listening as well
Friday, June 26, 2015
Pics: young disciples and team members asking the Holy Spirit to fill and teach each other at the beginning of today's training
Keystone Project levels one and two training began last night in Houston, continuing through July 3rd.
Richard Greene, KP president, in Houston to give the training.
Attendees are some of the team's most faithful disciples, team members, and friends interested in what God is doing through KP.
Pray with us that God will be glorified by...
»» the Holy Spirit leading the teaching and understanding (through language barriers and youth and tired/full minds)
»» attendees supernaturally meeting Christ, hearing and surrendering to his call on a deeper level
»» spiritual protection and holiness of all involved
Monday, June 22, 2015
I will make you become fishers of men
1.Oo Reh practicing the gospel
2. Jacob sharing a story from Jesus life while Kho translates
Just last week we asked you to pray for three men at Salem Oaks in whom we saw leadership potential. I've if these was Oo Reh, Karenni man from Nacogdoches, TX, who became a believer just three weeks ago. Pray with us about the exciting things God is doing in this man's life!
Back story
Kho (young team member pictured above) had had a dream about her sister's father in law, Oo Reh, who was Buddhist. In the dream, a man from the team shared a story from the Bible with Oo Reh and God changed his heart so that he destroyed all his Buddhist things. The following weekend Oo Reh and his wife came to visit family in Houston and Jacob (team member pictured above) and Kho were able to share the gospel with them. That night, in the presence of a house full of guests, both Oo Reh and his wife, Ti Mo, prayed to ask God for the new life found in Christ. We gave them audio bibles on mp3 and told them to listen and share with others.
Saturday night
Fast forward three weeks... Last Saturday night Jacob was planning to make the three hour trip to Nacogdoches to follow up with Oo Reh but he came to Houston again instead. He told us that since we met him he had shared with four families, all of whom "said the same as me and wanted to learn more."
He was able to practice sharing the gospel again with Kho and then Jacob challenged him with the testimony of a Muslim convert who shares Christ in the face of persecution and with a story from the life of Christ. Jacob gave him an assignment to go back and share that story with his wife and he asked, "Should I teach it to the four families, too?" Absolutely! What a joy to see the Spirit working in this man's life!
Before leaving we prayed for Oo Reh that God would allow him to make many more disciples, and Jacob challenged him to pray the same for the four families and his wife.
»» Pray with us that the Spirit will continue working in this man and bring salvation to the Karenni people!
»» Pray for spiritual protection for these new believers and for Ti Mo to follow her husband's example.
Casting the Vision with Nah Ka Bo
Lead 222
Friday, June 19, 2015
Nine African Nations
Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, Pentecostal, and Seventh Day Adventist, among others. All of them struggle on some level with brokenness, both physical and emotional, memories from the wars that made them refugees, and the social, family relational, and economic pressures that come with moving to a new place and culture.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Dialoguing with Mormons
Picture: Kyaw sharing the creation to Christ story with the young boys, shortly before having an interaction with the Mormon boys.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Training to Reach the Jews
Picture: Jewish ministry training, led by Joe Forest, meeting in one of the Keystone Academy classrooms.
Today and tomorrow we are hosting a training on ministering to Jewish people with Joe Forest who has some experience in this field.
»»Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give clear direction and vision to our team during this time.
»» Pray for a couple/family with a calling to work with the Jews to be raised up to join the team and move into the Jewish community in Salem Oaks before the end of the year.
»»Pray protection for Joe and the team, that the enemy may not be allowed to distract or take away from the Spirit's work through this training.
»» Pray for the hearts of the Jewish community to be prepared to receive the gospel!
Thank you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Potential leaders at Salem Oaks
Pray specifically for Emmanuel, Riziki, and Oo Reh.
>> Pray that each one may encounter Christ deeply and supernaturally and be radically changed for the gospel.
Emanuel - Eritrean father, working two jobs, has a passion for making disciples but doesn't have the time to pursue it.
»» Pray that he will find a job that will provide for his family and give him more free time to be discipled.
Riziki - young man from the Congo, recently connected with the team and excited about the vision, also tied down in part by his work schedule.
»» Pray that Riziki will realize and commit to the sacrificial lifestyle required to make disciples as Jesus did.
Oo Reh - Karenni grandfather, former Buddhist, lives 4 hours north of Houston, came to Christ 12 days ago while visiting family here after a prophetic dream moved our team to seek him out.
»» Pray that God will continue to strengthen this man (and his wife who also followed the Lord that night) and allow us to visit him soon.
»» The mp3 audio bibles we gave them before they left have stopped working. Pray for electronic healing and/or supernatural dreams to continue feeding these spiritual babies!
Four key leaders
At Salem Oaks, one of our goals by the end of the summer is to find and begin discipling four men of peace, key leaders among the Nepali, Karenni, Latino, and African people groups. By the end of the year our desire is to see these men raised up to launch movements among their own communities here.
This goal was made as a result of multiple team members coming out of time in prayer with this same desire in our hearts. However, we understand that this cannot be accomplished by any effort on our part. The Father must draw these men; the Spirit must convict them; and the Son of God must set them free.
Join us as we ask God to move on the hearts of men, and that we may be led by his Spirit as we search diligently for the ones he is calling!
Monday, June 8, 2015
Susanna's Newest Disciple
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Mehmor's Sister and Her Family
> Picture 2: team member, Keri, holding the second twin boy.
> Mehmor is a member of our team. Her family is Karreni and originally lived in Burma, then Thailand, and now in Houston. Recently, her oldest sister and her husband had twin boys. They are two months old. They were living in Massachusetts, but they felt that it would be best to move here to have extra help from their family.
> Specific prayer requests:
> 1. For Mehmor's brother in law to find a job here in Houston so that he can support his family and allow his wife to stay home with the twin baby boys. He has been in the US for just one year, and is having a difficult time adjusting to the culture and learning English.
> 2. For Mehmor's sister, and her family, to find Christ and be discipled by someone on our team. She is catholic; Mehmor is asking for prayer that she will find Jesus and accept him as her personal savior.
> 3. Overall, pray for the baby boys in general. Pray for them to get accepted into WIC asap so that they can get diapers, formula, etc. Also pray that their mother can continue to recover from the birth of the twins.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Growing in faith!
1. Party in the laundry room
2/3. Practicing sharing bible stories in pictures
Pray for these girls (and some guys not pictured) who meet together weekly and are learning to depend on the Holy Spirit to lead each other in redemptive community. This group is especially multicultural, representing Nepali, Rwandan, Karenni, Karen, and American people groups.
»»Pray especially as summer brings more free time that they will stay close to the Lord and grow in faith and faithfulness as many of them have their own disciples.
»»Pray for their families, specifically their parents, to see the Lord in them and be called to seek him more intimately themselves.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Jewish Community
Pics: Private park in a Jewish neighborhood across the street from Los Arcos
There are 50,000 Jews in Houston. Salem Oaks team is currently head quartered at Los Arcos apartments which is located directly across the street from the largest community of Jewish people in the city.
It's a special type of neighborhood called an Eruv, surrounded by walls that make certain Sabbath day practices possible, allowing the people to continue following the Jewish law while living in the midst of a city of "gentiles".
The apostle Paul wrote to the Roman believers about the Jews, saying,
"Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved... if they do not continue in their unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. For just as you were at one time disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, so they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may now receive mercy" (see Romans 10 and 11).
Current day ministry among Jewish people looks very different from Paul's ministry, as well as from disciple making among refugees. The team has little to no experience or knowledge of it.
So, June 13th and 14th we are hosting a training with a brother in Christ who has experience ministering to Jews.
»» pray for this community as a whole to be softened and prepared for the gospel
»» pray for a key man/family of peace to be found among them who will have influenced in the test of the community
»» pray for a married couple with a calling to minister to the Jews to join the Salem Oaks team and move in to this community by the end of the year
»» pray that the rest of the team and our disciples will be empowered through the training in June to pray and minister effectively