Saturday, August 29, 2015

Finding Freedom at Camp

God used Multicultural Camp in so many ways! New believers were made, some made a greater commitment to follow Jesus, and some fell deeper in love with Him! We’d like to share one story from this past weekend.

Here’s a little bit of background:
Fatmata is a teenage girl from an African Muslim family. Her father is an imam, the leader of a mosque, in Houston here. A few months ago Katie and her disciple Hafsa felt like the Lord wanted them to go share with Fatmata, but she wasn’t sure if it was true. Even though she had said that, the two and others continued to minister to her, loving her, and sharing stories from the Word. Katie had given her a bible and told her to start to read it. So she did, but her family was not happy about it and even threw the bible outside.

Fast forward to this past weekend:
Throughout the weekend at camp she participated in discussions, but I (Lacey) could still feel that there was something in her heart holding her back, a chain that needed to be broken.
Saturday day was the girls’ time. Nicole taught on modesty, showing them that God created them beautifully and wonderfully, He loves them perfectly, and that they are precious to Him. She showed them that they are worthy of love, and that they shouldn’t see their worth in how they look. Nicole had them write down three things that they struggle to believe from a video we watched and went through a time of renouncing lies and replacing it with truth. I went with Fatmata and Sing. I told them that before they can tell Satan to stop telling them this lie they need to believe that Jesus died and rose and has authority over Satan, and that the Holy Spirit who lives in our hearts gives us this power. She said she believed it all and prayed to accept the Lord into her life!
From the teachings, she understood that the Lord has a deep love for us and He wants relationship with us, He wants friendship. She heard His call to come and accepted!
The next day she boldly asked for prayer for her father’s health, strength for her mother as she continues to run the household, and that she would have strength as she goes back into her family. She then opened up to me. Satan had been telling her lies and trying to put hopelessness, loneliness, and fear into her heart, but God’s Word was stronger than any lie he could have told!
Chains were broken and love was found! My heart was overwhelmed with joy and I continue to rejoice!
On the way home I felt like God wanted me to read John 4. As I was reading verses 35 – 38 stuck out to me.
“You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and harvester alike! You know the saying, ‘One plants and another harvests.’ And it’s true. I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; other had already done the work and now you will get to gather the harvest.”
I got harvest what others had planted and I get share this joy with those who planted.  Praise the Lord!

Please join us in prayer for Fatmata.
That her roots will grow deep in the Lord.
That she will be strengthened and anchored in the Lord’s love and goodness through any persecution she may experience from her family.
Pray for the salvation of her family!
That she would allow the Lord to continually grow her and change her heart so that she may look more and more like Jesus.
That she would believe that she is valued and precious in the eyes of the Lord.

Other praises and prayer requests from MCC:

Jonish (Nepali) and two karenni girls also prayed to accept the Lord.
Pray Meh asked for forgiveness for the first time.
Htoo Nay took a deeper step towards Christ.
Htoo Ku Paw wants to start sharing the Gospel and be discipled.
Chhali wants to learn more about Jesus (has not fully accepted him yet).
Ree Mi Ra accepted Christ.

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