Friday, August 21, 2015

Multiplying a Nepali Leader

A couple weeks ago, Jacob began taking Man into non-believing Nepali homes in order to (1) bridge the gap between Nepali Christians and Nepali Hindus/Buddhists in Los Arcos, (2) to find a faithful disciple for Man, and (3) to allow Man to experience, first-hand, God's vision. One of the adults they met was Ram, a Nepali Hindu (far right in the picture). Like Man, he doesn't speak any English, so communicating can be difficult at times.

Jacob and Man went into the home for the first time last week and shared the gospel with Ram. Like most non-believing Nepali's we've encountered, he was interested to learn but didn't want to follow Jesus. However, he seemed a bit friendlier and open to the message than most, so our team began lifting him up in prayer. Man followed up with him last Sunday, and Ram said at the end that he'd like to go to church with him this weekend to learn more about Jesus!

They've since met with him one more time and have continued sharing truth with him, but there are still a lot of walls that need broken down before he'll be ready to follow Christ. Please be praying for him! Some of the main things to pray for are (1) that he'd recognize following Christ is not 'one of many ways to salvation' but instead the only way to salvation, (2) the God of the Bible, who is Jesus, has created all things and is infinitely more powerful than any man-made god, and (3) that he'd begin experiencing Jesus and His power in many aspects of his life, through dreams, visions, signs and miracles.

Also, please pray for Man to understand God's vision and work in a deeper, more practical way than ever before. Pray for great passion in his life as he aligns every aspect of himself with God's Kingdom!


  1. Praise God! Am praying. And if that Polo in the picture above?!!!!

  2. Praise God! Am praying. And if that Polo in the picture above?!!!!
