Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Prayer for Ma Ei Ei

For the past 37 years, a Burmese lady named Mah Ei Ei has been following Buddha. She came over to the USA from Malaysia almost 3 years ago. After 12 years of being married and unable to get pregnant, it was suggested to them that they ask God for a child. They got pregnant, and their son is now 14 months old. They couldn't believe that God had given them a son. Team member, Susana, connected with Ma Ei Ei a month ago. She told Susana that she follows Buddha, but also believes in God because he gave her a child. Susana and Catherine were able to share the creation to Christ story with her, and she shared that if/when she decides to follow Christ, her family and friends will oppose her. Susana began praying for next steps, and felt that Keri was supposed to share her testimony with Ma Ei Ei. In the end, Ma Ei Ei said she believes in Jesus, and that she would like for all of us to pray that the Lord would specifically speak to her, so that when she shares with her family that she follows Jesus, she will be able to explain the personal encounter that she had with him, instead of saying "so and so said I should follow him." Please pray that she would completely deny herself, Buddha, and any other idols in her life and completely follow the one TRUE God!

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