Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Haiti Training

In about 2 and a half weeks, LJ and I (Jacob) will leave for Haiti. We’ll be doing a couple Keystone trainings there, teaching believers how to follow the Spirit in launching disciple-making movements. And these trainings will hopefully help change that country as people learn how to establish God’s Kingdom more effectively. One of our goals is to also find leaders there that will own the vision enough to continue multiplying Keystone leaders in the years to come, even without direct involvement from us.
For now, Julio will be the primary leader of the Haiti movement, and we’re praying that God will use this training to bring some leaders alongside him. Julio came to the U.S. from Haiti about 7 years ago, and I met him here in Houston back in 2013. He was a volunteer pastor at his church at the time, and he was working as a security guard at the hotel I work at. We were both working 3rd shift, so I began using the long nights with him to share God’s vision and explain the work of the Kingdom.
The idea of making disciples that make disciples was really transformational in his life, because pretty much all of his time up until this point was being used to simply gain Biblical knowledge and perpetuate the programs inside of his church building. So in the months following, he joined the Keystone team, moved in with me and began making disciples with us.

I went with Julio a few years ago back to his home to train fellow Christian leaders, and we saw many people embrace a new Kingdom lifestyle. Now, we hope to use this training to follow up with some of them as well as train some new leaders. This is exciting for the Houston team, since a goal has always been to find internationals here, equip them, and send them back to their countries as missionaries. Julio will leave in 2 days to go home to get everything ready, and he knows he might never be able to come to the states again.

After living back in his country for a month he would have to re-apply for a visa to the U.S. (which is nearly impossible to get for someone who's finished college already), but he has such a deep desire to see a movement launched there that he feels there's no other option. His father and two brothers continue to advise him to stay in the states, just because the Haitian economy is so awful, but the call God has placed on his heart has been clear.

The reason I'm posting this a few weeks in advance is because I believe it's extremely important that God begins preparing people's hearts now, even before we get there. We want to see some movements launched that will change the country, and that means people's hearts need to be ready to receive His call (both amongst believers and non-believers).

So please join us in praying (1) that God will prepare the ground there for a fresh move of the Spirit; (2) that the right people, and only those people, will attend; and finally (3) that LJ, Julio and I would prepare the right teachings, in the right way, so we'll be able to speak deep into their lives. Thanks guys!

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