Sunday, June 19th Lacey met with 4 African women and shared God's heart for the lost with them. She shared from 2 Kings 7:3-11 with them, how the lepers knew it wasn't right to keep the good news from those who were in famine still. She challenged them think about who Jesus is, what he came for, and what their purpose and role is in life/in the kingdom. Discussion went well and one or two of the ladies really understood the deeper meaning of the story. She hopes to get the women together again and challenge them to share the Gospel with a co-worker or someone they know who doesn't know Jesus.
Please pray for a desire in them to know Christ intimately.
Pray for their hearts and minds to grasp the immensity of God's heart for the lost and for the nations.
Pray that their love for God and burden for the lost would compel them to share.
Pray they would lead their children in this as well and their entire househould would seek the Kingdom of God.
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